RedyHost is excited to announce a new managed WordPress hosting service, WordPress as a Service.
Why WordPress as a Service
WordPress as a Service is intended for customers with no hosting account management skills (such as DevOps, cPanel management, WordPress security patching). We call it NoOps service.
It also targets large organisations requiring a quick turnaround of security patch application. Automated patching covers WordPress core and plugins (currently only plugins installed via are supported).
The WordPress as a Service allows to minimise or completely eliminate risks, associated with vulnerabilities in WordPress and contributed plugins.
Automated WordPress provisioning
WordPress as a Service is auto-provisioned, while you signup via the RedyHost website. In a minute or two, as you sign up, our system provisions a fully managed account and installs a lightweight and latest WordPress. You only provide your website domain name and username/password during the signup process. Once sign up is complete, you navigate to your new WordPress website and start blogging.
You only provide your website domain name and username/password during the signup process. Once sign up is complete, you navigate to your new WordPress website and start blogging.
Once the sign up is complete, you navigate to your new WordPress website and start blogging.
Install WordPress plugins and themes to customise your website
We do not restrict which plugins and themes you install, giving you the freedom to decide what your WordPress website will look and behave like.
The managed service uses Nginx as the web server for real fast server-side performance. The Nginx configuration is compatible with W3TotalCache plugin, to allow up to 47% extra requests. Other caching plugins are not compatible due to customisations required in Nginx.
Get your managed WordPress as a Service now
Sign up, login, start blogging
WordPress performance
WordPress as a Service is hosted in the RedyHost™ Cloud Platform, that was benchmarked to outline the levels of performance far beyond other clouds.
The service plans were thoroughly selected to allow increasing capacity from lower to higher plans. Every website runs inside a lightweight container, providing resource isolation and improved security.
Nginx, PHP7 with Opcache and PHP-FPM provide the unbeatable performance for every WordPress website.
In addition, the front-end resource optimisation, content compression and minification, HTTP/2 + SSL provide even greater client-side performance improvements. This optimisation reduces page size, combines multiple files and converts images to achieve faster front-end performance. This approach allowed RedyHost customers to reduce page loading time for over 10x times.
The free WordPress as a Service plan limits to a single ECU and 512MB of RAM. This combination of server resources has been benchmarked by the and the Our tests outline that the free WordPress as a Service is well capable of service over 50 users simultaneously. We have published benchmarks results in the WordPress as a Service Hosting page (check the Will the FREE WordPress resources limit be enough for my website? FAQ tab.
We will provide a more detailed report of the benchmarks to outline the speed and capabilities of our WordPress as a Service offering.
WordPress security
Managed WordPress hosting comes with the fully automated security patching and updates system. The patches are applied to the WordPress core and contributed plugins, to keep your website up to date and fully secure. Whenever a security update is out, our system will automatically update your WordPress core and it's plugins (excluding plugins that were installed manually via upload), to keep your website fully protected.
Whenever a security update is out, our system will automatically detect the update and apply it to your WordPress core (and it's plugins, excluding plugins that were installed manually via upload).
In addition, the paid WordPress as a Service comes with the Web Application Firewall (WAF), the Host Intrusion Detection System (HIDS) and the Malware Uploads Scanner, to protect your website from targeted attacks.
Free managed WordPress
As part of our offering, we introduced the Free WordPress as a Service package, to facilitate managed NoOps hosting for small websites, personal or small business websites. The free managed WordPress comes with all the features of paid plans, less WAF and HIDS.
Our benchmarking using independent 3rd party tools revealed that the 1ECU and 512MB RAM provide enough resources to run a simple WordPress blog or a company website to over 50 simultaneous users.
How the security patches are applied
The security patches are applied daily. When a new version of WordPress becomes available, our system upgrades every managed WordPress website and executes the basic smoke tests to ensure your website is running fine.
Bigger WordPress website? No problems!
As your website grows, upgrade at any time to instantly boost the server resource allocation and increase capacity.