Drupal Hosting, Blazing Fast!
With our scalable High-Performance Drupal VPS setup, just upload your website, no configuration required
Expert Managed Drupal hosting
Drupal Cloud Platform that is deserved by the best Drupal websites
Australian Datacentre
Benchmarked Drupal Performance
The Cloud Platform that benchmarked to perform up to 3x times faster than the competition. Our support team knows Drupal insight out to help you resolve the most complex issues.
The high performance servers and the Know How bring success and stability to your project website or online store. Our customers telling us that RedyHost is the best Drupal hosting service in Australia, become our customer today!

Managed Drupal Hosting in Australia
Complete Managed Security
Current generation hardware
Test/UAT/Prod environments
SSD + In-Memory cached SAN storage
100% compatibility with Drupal 7 & 8
Drupal 6 LTS
Performance tuning service
Nginx, HTTP/2, Pagespeed
Content Optimiser & Accelerator
We manage your VPS and Security
You manage your Drupal website
30 days money back guarantee
Drupal patching service available
Self-managed backups
Current generation hardware
SSD + In-Memory cached SAN storage
100% compatibility with Drupal 7 & 8
Full root access
Your full control over Performance tuning
Preconfigured LAMP available
Content Optimiser & Accelerator
You manage your VPS and Security
Flexible automated backups
You manage your Drupal website
30 days money back guarantee
Ubuntu or CentOS Linux
Current generation hardware
24/7 Security monitoring, intrusion protection
SSD + In-Memory cached SAN storage
100% compatibility with Drupal 7 & 8
SSH access
Drush, Git, Composer
Drupal console, NPM, Node.js
We help tuning the performance for Drupal site
Content Optimiser & Accelerator
PHP 7 available
Nginx or Apache
Server-level caching
30 days money back guarantee
All prices include 10% Australian GST. Overseas customers receive 10% price reduction during checkout.
Proven FAST! Cloud Platform
An incredible (benchmarked) performance of our Linux servers vastly improves high transactional applications and databases. Unless you are loading hundreds of unnecessary or wrong WordPress modules, your website will run so fast you would not even believe it. Our fast full-SSD SAN storage connected via the 10GB network, combined with proven performance tools (such as APC, Memcached, Varnish and Nginx) will ensure your WordPress website is running at incredible speed!
Frequently Asked Questions
Over many years we've been hosting a lot of Drupal sites. Our experience and knowledge of Drupal and Drupal-recommended configuration transferred into the platform that is built on Drupal. The entire LAMP stack is setup to allow Drupal shine in it's security and speed. Settings like memory limits, cache memory allocations and file permissions are set to let you just build your Drupal website, without the hassle of finding the workarounds of server and LAMP incompatibilities.
Drupal core and contributed modules are covered by our patching service guarantee. The Patching Service Guarantee is offered to the Managed Hosting customers. The cost of this guarantee depends on the complexity of your Drupal site and your deployment workflow. Please contact us to get your individual quote for our Patching Services.
All our hosting services, including budget level cPanel hosting, come with the latest stable versions of drush and drupal console
All our hosting service, including the budget-level cPanel hosting, provide composer, npm and Git. Whether you use Git-based deployments, use composer to install and update dependencies or use npm for SASS or LESS - we have got it covered.
Look no further!
Our cloud platform makes the real difference to the speed and security of every Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 website.
What the best Managed Drupal Hosting is
Our Managed Drupal Hosting comes with the highest performance hardware and the LAMP stack to make your Drupal website loading real fast.
Our provisioning team fine-tunes it further to ensure the loading speed are above and beyond the requirements.
Every Managed Secure Hosting website is packed with the Web Application Firewall and the Enterprise Security System* to enable security at every level.
RedyHost offers individual onboarding process to ensure a smooth transition and top performance when migrating your Drupal website from other hosting platforms.
Benchmarked Drupal 8 speed on the platform
Managed high-performance Drupal hosting in the RedyHost cloud or AWS. Now includes OOTB BigPipe support for Drupal 8. The Managed Secure Hosting comes with performance and security features only found on our platform. With managed security, we now offer Drupal 6 LTS.
Drupal Hosting Features
Performance beyond (just) Drupal caching
Every website comes with server-level caching, activated via Nginx configuration pages. Full cache, FastCGI cache, Static files cache are supported to speed up your Drupal website above and beyond. Full HTTP/2 support for single multiplexed connection.
Security at every level
Enjoy peace of mind from security protection of all your Drupal websites with the complete security solution from Atomicorp. Includes Malware Scanning, HIDS and WAF, web traffic monitoring, Virtual patching of Drupal vulnerabilities at the server level in WAF.
Managed Drupal Services
Free up your time & efforts to focus on your core business of making brilliant websites, while we handle the technical details for you! What's more, instantly adjust to traffic spikes by scaling up your CPU & RAM.
Fast Managed Drupal hosting in Australia
Get the fastest and the most secure hosting for Drupal websites of any size available today.