Automate your server snapshot backups like never before. With the recently released feature Automated Snapshot Policies, it takes only few mouse clicks to automate your server backup, set and forget it. From that point on, our system will look after your server backups. So, when an unexpected happens, we've got it covered, it takes seconds to restore your entire server from a snapshot.
Over the last weeks, we've been busy extending our VPS Management Console, that would allow you to easily automate your cloud server backup. We call it Automated Snapshot Policy, it allows to easily set your server backup frequency and retention policy for the snapshots.
Snapshot backups utilise the underlying storage disk cloning capabilities, called "copy on write". It allows minimising time that is required to clone a server down to a second or two.
This release comes shortly after the initial launch and announcement of our Cloud VPS management console and includes the large number of improvements, including dedicated look and feel.
Moreover, all pages are responsive, to be easily used by any mobile device.
How much does it cost
The management console is available without restrictions to any Cloud VPS customers. We only limit the number of snapshots that could be created (due to the limit of the underlying virtualization software XenServer), however, we do not limit snapshots storage!
and enjoy 99.9% SLA with the money back guarantee.
This is how automated snapshot policies page looks like
Screenshot 1. Updated server overview page