Benchmarking website for heavy traffic

How to benchmark your website for heavy traffic

Having your website ready to stand for heavy traffic spike could be very important, especially if your business is running promotional campaigns or sends many promotional emails. But how could you ensure your website could stand this spike? Fortunately, there are free tools available that help you to stress your website and estimate how many visitors it can handle.

During our daily managed hosting duties, we especially like the tool The has free account option and allows to test one website.

How to benchmark your website for heavy traffic with

When we benchmark client’s server before releasing it to the customer, we ensure it can handle at least 100 client visits per second during 1 minute period. In most cases, our servers exceed this benchmark target several times. It is essential to have client website running so to benchmark the actual website loading and not some static file. The tool simulates real client visits by loading the full page and its content (such as images, CSS and JS files etc.).

In fact, signing up and setting up your site is a matter of several minutes, before you’re ready to press the Start button. Go and give it a try to ensure your web server performs as you expect.

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