Smallpt and Apache tests from Phoronix Test Suite

High Performance Cloud VPS benchmarks by Phoronix Test Suite

In February this year, we upgraded our cloud servers to the latest Intel Xeon E5-2687W CPU with DDR4 RAM. Following the upgrade, we decided to benchmark the performance of our new Cloud VPS platform and compare it to DigitalOcean and AWS.

The server type/size used:

  • RedyHost: Cloud 2 VPS, featuring 2CPUs and 2GB RAM, cost: A$26/mo US$19.68
  • DigitalOcean: droplet featuring 2CPUs and 2GB RAM, cost: US$20/mo
  • AWS: m3.large instance, featuring 2CPUs and 7.5GB of RAM, cost: US$135/mo

In all 3 clouds, all 3 servers run default Ubuntu 14.04 x64 bit template. All 3 servers used apt-get to install the Phoronix test suite.

Need a Cloud VPS that outperforms the competition, packed up with powerful backup and restore features?

Hardware Specifications

This is the hardware specification identified by the Phoronix software for the VPS/Droplet running in our tests:

RedyHost Cloud VPS hardware

RedyHost Cloud VPS hardware

DigitalOcean droplet hardware

DigitalOcean droplet hardware

AWS Instance Hardware

AWS Instance Hardware

Test Results

As the numbers outline, RedyHost Cloud outperforms both AWS and DigitalOcean in the majority of tests, we leave the final analysis to our readers.

Smallpt and Apache tests from Phoronix Test Suite

OpenSSL and PHPBench tests from Phoronix Test Suite

Gcrypt and FSMark tests from Phoronix Test Suite


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